Chinese Pop Songs

當我想起你時笑了-林凡 I Smiled at the Thought of You-Freya Lam/Lin Fan

Lyricist: Wu XiangFei
Composer: Li Bing
Arranger: Lau Chi Yuen

喧鬧以後的安靜 遊蕩以後的安定
The tranquility following all the hubbub, settling down after wandering around
忽然發現關上檯燈一切不存在 黑暗讓我懷念黎明
I suddenly discover that nothing exists after I switch off the desk lamp. Darkness makes me yearn for the break of dawn
雨停以後的旅行 不幸以後的萬幸
The trip after the rain stopped—a good fortune after the misfortune
忽然發現擦肩而過錯過了班車 才能沿著公路前進
I suddently discovered that i could walk down the road only after I missed the bus

忘記愛情和你依然留在英國 忘記開心不是第二天的快樂
I forgot that you and our love still stayed in the United Kingdom, I forgot that the good time does not continue into the next day
一閃而過的感覺 只是一種感覺
The transient feeling was nothing but a feeling
記得想起誰而笑了 黑夜再黑才不寂寞
When I smiled at the thought of someone, the dark night no longer feels lonely, however dark it is

告別以後的擁抱 隔著玻璃的微笑
The hug after we said goodbye, the smile behind the window
忽然發現患得患失是那麼渺小 昨天的迷茫有多重要
I suddenly realized the triviality of worring about personal gains and losses and the importance of feeling confused at some point in the past

Repeat *** once

帶著不變模樣 走過改變的地方 為了身邊的人尋找天堂
Looking all the same, I revisited the places that are no longer the same. I look for heaven for my loved ones
帶著不變模樣 走過走過的地方 該遺忘我會遺忘
Looking all the same, I revisited those places. I will forget what I’m supposed to forget

Repeat *** once

忘記愛情和你依然留在英國 忘記燦爛煙火早就不屬於我
I forgot that you and our love still stayed in the United Kingdom. I forgot that the splendid fireworks stopped belonging to me a long time ago
一閃而過的感覺 只是一種感覺
The transient feeling was nothing but a feeling
若不念舊 怎麼知道開心只是刹那的快樂
If I am not nostalgic, how could I learn that joy stays only in that moment?