My Favorite Songs

同步-范曉萱 In Sync-Mavis Fan

詞:范曉萱 (Lyricist: Mavis Fan/Fan Xiaoxuan)
曲:范曉萱 (Composer: Mavis Fan/Fan Xiaoxuan)
演唱:范曉萱 (Singer: Mavis Fan/Fan Xiaoxuan)
出版者: 环球唱片 (Publisher: Universal Music Group)

This song is written for the movie “A Journey Through Time With Anthony.”

詞:范曉萱 (Lyricist: Mavis Fan/Fan Xiaoxuan)
曲:范曉萱 (Composer: Mavis Fan/Fan Xiaoxuan)
演唱:范曉萱 (Singer: Mavis Fan/Fan Xiaoxuan)
出版者: 环球唱片 (Publisher: Universal Music Group)

This song is written for the movie “A Journey Through Time With Anthony”.

相隔兩地的時空 默契對話沒有距離
Albeit time zones apart, we chat with no feelings of estrangement
冰冷的螢幕 因為我們雙手產生熱度
The ice-cold screens turn warm because of our [typing] hands

努力各自的生活 追求不放棄的夢
We both work hard, pursuing our dreams without giving up
冬與夏的反差 成了最可愛的交集
The difference between winter and summer, turns out to be the cutest intersection

Are our feelings [for each other] mutual?
我投給你 卻投給了他
I pass the ball to you, but you pass it to him
真希望像棒球 最後會回到我這兒啊
I wish love was like a baseball that would eventually come back to me

我們的愛沒有同步 你給的暗號已告訴我
The feelings are not mutual—the secret sign you sent to me has made it clear—
這個手勢代表了 一輩子的朋友
This gesture means: Friends for life

你愛聲音的故事 我愛味道的熱情
You love the stories in sounds; I love the enthusiasm of flavors
Alice 發出了 我們共同孤獨的頻率
Alice uttered the frequency of the loneliness we share

總是掉進回憶 想像中總是有你
I always fall into memories; you are always in my imagination
思念時 什麼事我都無能為力
When I miss you, I feel helpless about everything

Are the feelings mutual?
Like the chestnuts you crave
剝開的時候 就是心碎的聲音
The sound of its cracking is the sound of a heartbreak

Our feelings would never be in sync
送給你最後的禮物 那是櫻花掉落的聲音
The last gift for you, is the sound of the falling sakura
美麗 卻無聲無息
Stunning yet silent

Chinese Pop Songs

如同悲傷被下載了兩次-陳珊妮 & 林宥嘉 As If Sorrow Were Downloaded Twice- Sandee Chan ft. Yoga Lin

詞:陳珊妮 (Lyricist:Sandee Chan/Chen Shanni)
曲:林宥嘉 (Composer: Yoga Lin/Lin Youjia)
演唱: 陳珊妮 &林宥嘉 (Singers: Sandee Chan & Yoga Lin)
出版者: 和气音乐 (Publisher: Peaceful Music)

我研究你的裝幀 捧你在手裡聞
I study your design, cup you in my hands, and smell
不敢打擾 橫臥著整個過去的靈魂
I dare not disturb the soul wherein the past reclines
未來少年的標準 是不像詩的文
The standard teenage boy of the future, is the prose that doesn’t resemble poetry
承載著 一切復古荒謬廢話和青春
which bears the weight of all the vintage, absurdity, nonsense, and youth

This universe that went through nonsurgical cosmetic procedures
The sorrow of superfluous beauty
無人能背誦 白紙黑字的一頁脆弱
No longer can one recite a page of vulnerability written in black type on white paper

整個時代 顯得毫不掩飾
The whole era appears to make no secret of its feelings
整個雲端 寫滿誰的瑕疵
Whose flaws are written on the clouds?
於是可歌可泣的小日子 依偎著孤單相擁到死
So the heroic and moving deeds of everyday life, have to snuggle up with loneliness in each other’s arms till death

如同悲傷 被下載了兩次
As if sorrow were downloaded twice
三行詩的優雅 加倍諷刺
The elegance of a tercet seems twice as sarcastic [as a longer text]
selling those trivial personal sentiments

我謄寫你的快樂 給你我的指紋
I transcribe the happiness that leaves its fingerprints on us
願書消失那天 仍懷念過敏和灰塵
I wish by the day books disappear, people will still think of the allergies and the dust [induced or carried by the books]
未來少女的標準 是一眨眼的梗
The standard teenage girl of the future, is the cliché joke of that wink
承載著 一切復古荒謬廢話和青春
which bears the weight of all the vintage, aburdity, nonsense, and youth



如同悲傷 被下載了兩次
As if sorrow were downloaded twice
三行詩的優雅 加倍諷刺
The elegance of a tercet seems twice as sarcastic [as a longer text]
garnishing that ignorance…

如同悲傷 被下載了兩次
As if sorrow were downloaded twice
眼淚漸漸氾濫 瞬間消失
Tears slowly welled up and instantly disppeared
The once insufferably arrogant Chinese characters
變成一般見識 的字
turned out to be common sense